Wednesday, January 8, 2020

The Man In The Moon

The Man In The Moon
 By Kanisha Shiv

When the man in the moon looks down
He frowns in pain
How could a tiny little world be soo vain
A world that is blue and green 
One that is thought to be clean
But instead, make a scene
The man in the moon 
Watches little human hands 
Burn downlands
Little human brains 
That create hurricanes
Littles human eyes
That speak lies
Little human mouths
That always pout
Little human noses
That no more smell roses
He watches a little world turn insane
He knows it won’t be long 
Till that planet burns down
He knows it won’t be long till
We’re all gone
But, he will be wrong
Out of nowhere will come the dawn of hope
A little miracle will be born the slope
He will plant flowers and mindful towers
He will bring the world to peace and ease
The world shall fall to its knees
The little miracle will take broken hands and create lands
He will wash away brains that create hurricanes
He once again will make us see colors
He will make little noses once again smell roses
He makes mouths talk it out
He once again makes Earth feel like it’s worth
He will make humans see that all for one is worth
Then the man in the moon will look down and smile 
To see that he was wrong all along